Build Your Commercial Real Estate Portfolio Today

Build Your Commercial Real Estate Portfolio Today

Build Your Commercial Real Estate Portfolio Today

Build Your Commercial Real Estate Portfolio Today

Owning a part of a multi-million dollar commercial property is no longer out of reach.

Owning a part of a multi-million dollar commercial property is no longer out of reach.

Owning a part of a multi-million dollar commercial property is no longer out of reach.

Owning a part of a multi-million dollar commercial property is no longer out of reach.

We'll be announcing your first property investment opportunity soon. Join our waitlist by submitting your email address below and be one of the first to be notified.

We'll be announcing your first property investment opportunity soon. Join our waitlist by submitting your email address below and be one of the first to be notified.

Download the whitepaper…


trust3 User Icon
trust3 User Icon

Are you…?

Looking to grow your commercial real estate portfolio but deterred by high investment costs or lack of access to prime properties? Whether you're searching for your next investment or just getting started, you're in the right place.

NNN/NNNN commercial properties icon
NNN/NNNN commercial properties icon

The Properties

Explore triple-net (NNN) and full-net (NNNN) properties—low-risk investments with long-term tenant commitments. Trust3 opens doors to these premier assets, once reserved for seasoned investors.

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trust3 platform icon

The Platform

Democratized Ownership (DAO) makes real estate investing inclusive and accessible. trust3 stabilizes ownership by pooling resources and expertise, enabling you to invest confidently. Ready to start?

Learn how >


Your Winning Formula

Your Winning Formula

Your Winning Formula

Your Winning Formula

Trust3 transforms real estate investment by tokenizing properties, enabling you to buy fractional shares and unlock opportunities once limited to the wealthy. Dive into a simpler, more accessible way to grow your portfolio.

Trust3 transforms real estate investment by tokenizing properties, enabling you to buy fractional shares and unlock opportunities once limited to the wealthy. Dive into a simpler, more accessible way to grow your portfolio.

Trust3 transforms real estate investment by tokenizing properties, enabling you to buy fractional shares and unlock opportunities once limited to the wealthy. Dive into a simpler, more accessible way to grow your portfolio.

Trust3 transforms real estate investment by tokenizing properties, enabling you to buy fractional shares and unlock opportunities once limited to the wealthy. Dive into a simpler, more accessible way to grow your portfolio.

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Legally compliant

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Unlimited Tokenizations

User properties list screenshot


Your Winning Formula

Trust3 transforms real estate investment by tokenizing properties, enabling you to buy fractional shares and unlock opportunities once limited to the wealthy. Dive into a simpler, more accessible way to grow your portfolio.

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Legally compliant

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Unlimited Tokenizations

User properties list screenshot
DAO ownership proposals screenshot
DAO ownership proposals screenshot

Ownership Management

User-friendly Property Management Interface

User-friendly Property Management Interface

User-friendly Property Management Interface

User-friendly Property Management Interface

Trust3 empowers you to manage your real estate investments actively. Our platform offers a centralized dashboard where you can oversee property proposals and participate directly in decision-making processes through our DAO structure. Stay connected with every investment aspect, from property details to key voting timelines, ensuring you're always positioned to optimize your portfolio's performance. Make informed decisions and effortlessly shape your property ownership's future with Trust3.

Trust3 empowers you to manage your real estate investments actively. Our platform offers a centralized dashboard where you can oversee property proposals and participate directly in decision-making processes through our DAO structure. Stay connected with every investment aspect, from property details to key voting timelines, ensuring you're always positioned to optimize your portfolio's performance. Make informed decisions and effortlessly shape your property ownership's future with Trust3.

Trust3 empowers you to manage your real estate investments actively. Our platform offers a centralized dashboard where you can oversee property proposals and participate directly in decision-making processes through our DAO structure. Stay connected with every investment aspect, from property details to key voting timelines, ensuring you're always positioned to optimize your portfolio's performance. Make informed decisions and effortlessly shape your property ownership's future with Trust3.

Trust3 empowers you to manage your real estate investments actively. Our platform offers a centralized dashboard where you can oversee property proposals and participate directly in decision-making processes through our DAO structure. Stay connected with every investment aspect, from property details to key voting timelines, ensuring you're always positioned to optimize your portfolio's performance. Make informed decisions and effortlessly shape your property ownership's future with Trust3.

DAO ownership proposals screenshot

Ownership Management

User-friendly Property Management Interface

Trust3 empowers you to manage your real estate investments actively. Our platform offers a centralized dashboard where you can oversee property proposals and participate directly in decision-making processes through our DAO structure. Stay connected with every investment aspect, from property details to key voting timelines, ensuring you're always positioned to optimize your portfolio's performance. Make informed decisions and effortlessly shape your property ownership's future with Trust3.

Built-in Messaging

Seamless connectivity with everyone

Seamless connectivity with everyone

Seamless connectivity with everyone

Seamless connectivity with everyone

Connect and collaborate with fellow enthusiasts through our built-in messaging system. Engage in direct, secure conversations with other token holders to discuss strategies, share insights, and forge strong relationships within the Trust3 community. This feature also provides a direct line to the Trust3 team, ensuring you receive personalized support and guidance whenever needed.

Connect and collaborate with fellow enthusiasts through our built-in messaging system. Engage in direct, secure conversations with other token holders to discuss strategies, share insights, and forge strong relationships within the Trust3 community. This feature also provides a direct line to the Trust3 team, ensuring you receive personalized support and guidance whenever needed.

Connect and collaborate with fellow enthusiasts through our built-in messaging system. Engage in direct, secure conversations with other token holders to discuss strategies, share insights, and forge strong relationships within the Trust3 community. This feature also provides a direct line to the Trust3 team, ensuring you receive personalized support and guidance whenever needed.

Connect and collaborate with fellow enthusiasts through our built-in messaging system. Engage in direct, secure conversations with other token holders to discuss strategies, share insights, and forge strong relationships within the Trust3 community. This feature also provides a direct line to the Trust3 team, ensuring you receive personalized support and guidance whenever needed.

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Connects to Discord

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Push Notifications

trust3 platform messaging screenshot

Built-in Messaging

Seamless connectivity with everyone

Connect and collaborate with fellow enthusiasts through our built-in messaging system. Engage in direct, secure conversations with other token holders to discuss strategies, share insights, and forge strong relationships within the Trust3 community. This feature also provides a direct line to the Trust3 team, ensuring you receive personalized support and guidance whenever needed.

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Connects to Discord

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Push Notifications

trust3 platform messaging screenshot


Unlock your potential through tokenized commercial real estate

Unlock your potential through tokenized commercial real estate

We've transformed NNN / NNNN commercial real estate ownership, making it accessible with smaller capital commitments. By tokenizing properties within a DAO, we dismantle traditional barriers, creating a more affordable pathway to ownership for a broader audience once limited to the elite. This innovation opens up a world of possibilities, enabling you to participate in opportunities previously out of reach.

Tokenization revolutionizes the way ownership is handled, making it secure and transparent. When the DAO acquires a commercial property, its value is divided into tokens. By acquiring these tokens, you gain a share of ownership and all the benefits the DAO provides. This method ensures everyone can participate in property ownership more easily and clearly.


Minimum Investment. Thanks to the power of tokenization, you can buy your piece for as little as $100*.

*This figure depends on the individual property and the DAO's pricing decisions.


Global Accessibility. The trust3 platform operates 24/7, allowing you access to commercial real estate ownership opportunities and the ability to manage your token ownership anywhere in the world, anytime.


Majority Consensus. Proposals are approved and implemented when they receive a majority vote of 51% or more from token holders.


Unlock your potential through tokenized commercial real estate

We've transformed NNN / NNNN commercial real estate ownership, making it accessible with smaller capital commitments. By tokenizing properties within a DAO, we dismantle traditional barriers, creating a more affordable pathway to ownership for a broader audience once limited to the elite. This innovation opens up a world of possibilities, enabling you to participate in opportunities previously out of reach.

Tokenization revolutionizes the way ownership is handled, making it secure and transparent. When the DAO acquires a commercial property, its value is divided into tokens. By acquiring these tokens, you gain a share of ownership and all the benefits the DAO provides. This method ensures everyone can participate in property ownership more easily and clearly.


Minimum Investment. Thanks to the power of tokenization, you can buy your piece for as little as $100*.

*This figure depends on the individual property and the DAO's pricing decisions.


Global Accessibility. The trust3 platform operates 24/7, allowing you access to commercial real estate ownership opportunities and the ability to manage your token ownership anywhere in the world, anytime.


Majority Consensus. Proposals are approved and implemented when they receive a majority vote of 51% or more from token holders.



Powered by the best in the industry

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The Graph Logo


Powered by the best in the industry

Polygon Blockchain Logo
Push Logo
Chainlink Logo
Alchemy Logo
Safe Logo
Thirdweb Logo
The Graph Logo

24/7 Global Coverage

24/7 Global Coverage

Monitor and manage your projects on the go

Monitor and manage your projects on the go

Monitor and manage your projects on the go

Monitor and manage your projects on the go

Portfolio at Your Fingertips

Seamless Portfolio Tracking

Portfolio tracking screenshot

Global Network

Tokenize any property around the world


24/7 Global Coverage

Monitor and manage your projects on the go

Portfolio at Your Fingertips

Seamless Portfolio Tracking

Portfolio tracking screenshot

Global Network

Tokenize any property around the world

trust3 Logo
NNN / NNNN Commercial Property
trust3 Logo
NNN / NNNN Commercial Property
trust3 Logo
NNN / NNNN Commercial Property
trust3 Logo
NNN / NNNN Commercial Property